RE: Multi-way contests

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 19:30:11 -0400

See, that makes vastly more sense, and what I was thinking at first with the phrase "carryover". Not just penalties, but bonuses as well. Works for me.

On 2 Jul 2004 at 0:11, Bruce Ferrie wrote:

> The idea behind doing it like this, when I used it for doing a race over
> an obstacle course, was that, if you don't do an extended contest,
> there's not a good way of measuring the fact that whoever did best over
> any given obstacle is gaining an advantage over their competitor(s).
> The carryover bonus, as per the "Station Results" in the heroquesting
> rules, provided a nice way of tracking that advantage. Each competitor,
> based on whether they'd rolled well or badly to overcome each individual
> obstable, would accrue a running total of penalties and benefits that
> would, when applied to their attempt to complete the last obstacle
> which, being the last in the race, is the one that decides who wins.
> Regards,
> Bruce

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