Re: Re: Childbirth

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:07:21 -0700

Okay, I'm a guy, and not even a father, which means that I'm only talking from "Outside the experience". If anyone wants to re-figure the numbers, feel free, I'm just making SWAGs here (SWAG: Scientific Wild-Ass Guesses)

First, what is the base chance of pregnancy per year? Hell if I know (well, I *could* look it up, but why bother?) Let's call it 50% per year that a sexually active woman will get pregnant. This is without magic aiding or hindering procreation...

So every woman basically has a "Get pregnant 14" as part of her "Female" keyword.

Every year, check her "get pregnant" vrs the world's resistance of 14.

Fertility magic gives Bonuses that are added to the "Get pregnant" score. Infertility magic gives Penalties that get subtracted from it.

Direct-use magic (like a feat) can be used in place of "Get pregnant" (or the World, for Contraception)

Now, you can either go with a simple pass/fail system (Any success: She's pregnant. Any failure or tie, she's not. If pregnant, roll on the table below), or you can assign modifiers to the pregnancy table depending on how well she succeeded (Critical Success: +5 on table)

We need a Pregnancy table. Something simple, like:

1-16: Evens, a son. Odds, a daughter
17-19 Fraternal (not identical) Twins - roll for sex of each child individually
20-23 Identical twins - roll for gender for the pair 24 Triplets (roll for gender seperately) 25 Identical triplets - roll for gender

For childbirth, what's the normal rate of mortality for Mom & Baby? Again, I could look it up, but I won't bother.

Let's say it is slightly less than 50% chance that a magically-unaided woman will die in childbirth, but the kid might do so, call that 50-50. .

So our Mother has, say, "Survive Childbirth 17". And the child has "Survive Childbirth 14".

Each rolls against the World's 14.

Major, Complete Victory: Up and around the next day like nothing happened Minor Victory: A few day's bedrest, but otherwise healthy Marginal Victory, Tie, Marginal Defeat: patient is ill for a week, Roll same contest again at the end of the week to see if the condition improves, worsens or remains the same.
Minor, Major Defeat: Patient dies.
Complete Defeat: the patient dies, *and* imperils the life of the mother/child. Assess a -5 penalty to the survival roll of the other patient. (If already rolled, then figure it out - perhaps easiest to just reduce the level of success by 1, so a Marginal Victory becomes a Tie, etc).

Midwifery magic (Eninta the Midwife, TR 189 is an example) can be used, but the mother's own magic *probably* cannot (what with all that pain and all).

Complications during pregnancy can occur of course, and must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but Eninta magic can do a *lot* here.

Blessings and curses on the mother/clan/tribe/location/etc can aid or hinder conception and/or childbirth - just fiddle the "Get Pregnant", Survive Childbirth" or "The World" scores.

Of course, this much detail isn't needed for "generic clan" NPCs - this is for PCs and their spouses. For a generic "how many babies does our clan have this year?" Pendragon's Birth table will probably do (I've re-jiggered it a little)-

Roll a D20 and check:
1-10: No Birth
11: Mother & Child die at childbirth
12: Mother dies, child survives
13-19: Child born
20: Twins born

Magic, blessings/curses, abilties, etc provide augments.

Survival of people during the year is another subject...

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

> >I think it was called "Family Rolls" during the Winter Economic
> >Phase. That's when you figure out whether you wife bore kids,
> >whether she died, whether they died, etc.
> >
> >It seems to me that fertillity/successful childbirth ought to be
> >linked into one contest, and survival of your kids ought to be
> >another. At least that is how I am inclined to do that in my game.

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