RE: Re: Religion and Childbirth

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 12:06:57 -0500

>From: "nichughes2001" <nicolas.hughes_at_...>
>2. The mortality rates for childbearing women where decent medical
>facilities are available are so low I would not bother running a
>contest for it (it would be a special story event its so rare).

But the question isn't so much whether or not the character dies, but how badly they're hurt by the event. For PCs this is particularly important. How quickly will they be back on their feet after giving birth? The Complete Defeat neccessary to die, is, I believe, appropriately rare (unless you make the resistance to avoiding death in childbirth very, very high). So I think that this sort of contest is eminently suitable to use.

In fact, to be more forthcoming, I have two players in two different games that I'm running who have both decide to have characters who are priestesses of a god named Akalatan. Akalatan is actually quite dark, his affinities in different religions being Blood, snakes, night, in addition to Life and Birth. He's associated with his father god Klysus who is a really dark god of death (think Aztec).

Anyhow, one character is now dead, but I'm thinking of making that a temporary condition for her. In any case before she died, I had pulled the same stunt on both PCs, the god asking for them to bear children. So it's possible, even likley that one or both of them are going to end up giving birth as part of play. And I think it's going to be very interesting in each case.

Not to mention anyone else who manages to get knocked up in play. I would be surprised if, in my game, one of the other female characters didn't end up pregnant.

>For non-initiates who are pantheon worshippers of the mother goddess
>there would still be benefits available - especially community
>support focussed through the usual religious rituals and community
>Wyter. What they would lack is an 'Initiate of' ability that could
>be the basis for their defence against the magical threats - they
>would need to use another ability entirely (or default if they have
>nothing at all appropriate).

Cool, we seem to be coming to somewhat of a consensus on this issue.


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