RE: Initiates and Devotees

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:50:44 +0100

> Another interesting thing is that a Devotee can improvise a feat NOT
> in his affinity as long as they relate to some myth (read; convince
> the narrator it would be fun and very cool!) Effectively making up
> his own feats. This is very cool though you cannot cement them
> though with hero points (p120).

The last I heard, you *can* cement them as long as you did your improvisation on the hero plane. This may be part of a trip for that specific purpose, or it may not....

It's not very specific, but it's the next paragraph, about learning new feats. After all, new feats *do* get created - and why should that be done by an NPC? A PC Devotee seems far more likely!

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