RE: Re: Initiates and Devotees

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 16:15:01 -0500

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>Yes I think I concede that. The only question remains is that if
>you have a player who is an initiate and a common magic user her
>will claim that all his common magics are feats and not charms,
>talents or feitshes!!! From what I can see most of the common
>religions or sources of magic tend to be talents and charms. hmmmm,
>(strokes beard sagely)

Not sure what you're getting at here. But, yes, in my games, everyone who has both common magic, and theism takes nothing but feats (and the same with the other two specialized realms). I think this is not only fine, it makes a lot of sense. Heck, their fascination with feats may be how a particular character got interested in theism in the first place.

In any case, the book says in the early section on common magic that you can make up your own. So any commmon magic ability can be a feat.

That all said, common magic abilities don't tend to be all that spectacular. That is, I think that Call Lightning would be outside of what would be acceptable. Common Magic is more often of the "Heal Fever" sort of thing. In fact, I took the one guy who made common magic charms just because I liked the idea of him being a merchant of really "charmy" charms. "This one stops foot fungus!" That sort of thing. I like magic on that level.


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