Re: ...gameplay in general...

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 08:03:39 -0000

> It's the "yes, but" rule in effect.
> "Do I live?"

I hear what your saying and it does sound cool. But I have told my players that the chance of death in the game is real. If they can get healing then fine I don't set out to get the PC's, but I feel that the chance of death has to be there or the game loses an important edge IMO. I know this is MY OWN view.

In the game my character died (you know the one off) I was at -60, with only mundane healing available, so a resistance of 20M2 against the highest first aid availble 1M. I also tried DI but that failed as well. But that said, it was very dramatic and another character trying to save my character also died. So there was this great battle and two of the hero's died. Very poignant to the story.

When a player makes a dangerously large bid, as a narrator you point out the risk in very clear terms so the whole group is aware of the risk being taken. If they end up with -100AP and survive by GM fiat the game loses something for me.

>From what you say, and this is not a criticism, could it be your
players bid large because they feel they have to work pretty hard to be in danger of losing a character and maybe it is that feeling they are seeking? A hero is someone who puts their lives on the line for what they believe after all.


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