Re: Pol Joni

From: nichughes2001 <nicolas.hughes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:10:53 -0000

> > >Was Uralda written up as a
> > >goddess in Storm Tribe?
> >
> > In Thunder Rebels, she is a subcult of Esrola.
> > In Prax, the fertile earth is unreachable and
> > so I think the Pol Joni worship Eiritha as a
> > substitute for Esrola.
> That seems rational, but how well would Eiritha really
> work for beasts not mythically descended from her?

I doubt if she would have insurmountable difficulty with cattle, providing suitable heroquests were performed to prove that she could do so. Not much use for horses however.

> As others point out, these had to be exiles, people
> who broke Praxian law, were deprived of their beasts,
> were cast out by their Founders and Protectresses, and
> had their knots severed. No one else would leave
> their own clan to join a bunch of horse-riders.

Exiles, lost survivors, losers. That's pretty much what I would have assumed.

The CHoDP avoids mention[1] of the Pol Joni at Starbrow's rebellion mentioning only a horde of the homeless and disaffected - which pretty well fits my image of where the Pol Joni replenish their numbers from.

> <ptooey> They lost their magic as part of that exile,
> so would have no problem accepting new magic.

That is one possible interpretation.

Do spiritists have an equivalent of excommunication?

> However, they would not be a cohesive cultural force
> among the Bastards, so the Pol Joni would remain
> Heortling in culture.

I am leaning towards the idea that the Pol Joni have become their own culture. Clearly derived from Heortling culture but different enough - and with their own founder hero - to be a distinctly different thing.


Quite. MGF will be the guiding principle so long as I don't trash too many things clearly in the canon (which usually is just more trouble than its worth unless you want to start with a whole new gameworld, which I don't).

So anyway back to the original question. I think I am ending up with communal worship that is basically Storm Pantheon but has been adapted away from its Heortling roots in many of its details.

I don't have a problem with misapplied worship of Eiritha as the basic womans religion except when I have to deal with new recruits. How does this work for existing practitioners of Eiritha? My gut feeling is that their fetish spirits would not abandon them (the worship is explicitly stated as proper after all) but that they would gain no new spirits - gaining new affinities instead.

[1] One of the things I most like about KoS is that it's subjective, even the dry seeming bits like the composite history. The really obvious bits of <ahem> careful editing <ahem> are clear to see (like the succession from Kallyr to Argrath) but little subtle bits like airbrushing the Pol Joni from the Sartarite resistance are nice touches.


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