Re: god talkers

From: ASHLEY MUNDAY <aescleal_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:21:08 +0000 (GMT)

I can't see there's any problem with a character having multiple occupation keywords. He or she's changed what they do for a living. Things like warrior -> weapon-thane -> clan champion are probably prerequisites in most cases.

Inferring from what the advanced experience rules imply I allow players in my games to have one point in a keyword for every year of their lives. How the player splits this lot is essentially up to them but it's got to hang together (and be described in the narrative if you're using one).

So, in the case of a herder turned God-Talker (which is, incidentally, the same as one of my characters, is this great minds or fools?) you'd have something like:

"Jon Ergolfson was a Heortling Herder of the Antorling clan. After the clan's God-Talker was swallowed by Aroka he became devoted to Heler and became the clan's God Talker."

I've written the rules I use up. They can be found on the new fangled interweb thing at:



PS: Magic keywords work in the same way, but cultural ones take a bit more explanation. It also means that instead of having an ability "Lived in Tarsh" the GM could actually allow the player to slap a couple of "years" on "Homeland: Tarsh" instead.

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