Re: What useful purpose do the concentrated magic rules serve?

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 07:28:46 -0500

At 8:38 AM +0000 1/8/05, Rob wrote:
>Without concentration anyone could pick up a grimmoire, read it (no
>mean feat in itself) and start using it. A sorcerer could intitiate
>to Orlanth and start running up cliffs. Everyone would start buying
>fetishes off of shamans, not least those who follow shamanic
>traditions at lay level!

        And part of what makes the Lunars, Mystics, and other "weird" groups (like the Storm Bulls/Uroxi) unsettling to more "normal" Gloranthans is that these groups can seemingly ignore the Three World and concentration limitations. If no one has to worry about them, it makes the exceptions more normal and less scary.

Peter Larsen

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