RE: Re: Saga system

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 13:50:58 -0000

> When I have ran high level NPC's from the book I have applied
> a little rationale based on their background.

Amazing how common sense can help, isn't it? :)

> If I think its
> something they would work on or have near the stated keyword
> level then I would operate the ability at that level (or if I
> felt the story demand I do so),

Yep. I'd tend to assume it was at keyword level unless obviously not, but that may just be me being lazy.

> but say, if I was improvising
> Guard Camp for Kallyr in a contest it would be a lot lower,
> figuring that Kallyr probably would not do *a lot* of
> gurading the camp.

(grin) no, probably not these days. But then I tend to think that her comparatively low "warrior" keyword is because she's ten years out of practice at being a simple warrior, and that keyword's actually *dropped* with time, while the Combat skills have stayed fairly high. For that specific example, though, try using her Vigilance affinity instead (well, some feat or other off it at -5).

And that raises an interesting point in itself. Unused skills dropping with lack of practice. Anything that uses this Saga System to fill in year-long gaps would need to allow for that, too. Any guesses, anyone?

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