Re: Donadar and Humakt

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 13:28:24 -0700

> > Umm, Jane, look at the attribution for the Humakt writeup on page 2...
> If I had the book to hand, not on loan, I might. I was going from
> memory. If the attribution says what I guess it might from context, does

I'm pretty sure that it does ;-).

> it give you any pleasure to realise that I've used it so much I can
> quote chunks of it? And that that bit of the book disintegrated long
> ago? It's even more of a wreck than my KoS :(

I'm honored.

My first KoS is in bad shape, my second is getting there. Of course, my primary Hero Wars books were dowsed in a particularly fine Riesling on the way back from my first Tentacles...

> So: Donandar? A Dondandar/Humakti joint sub-cult for the regimental
> piper? Does Branagh Skirling-Drone fit in there anywhere?

I don't really think so - the actual text is "Horn Blower", with bagpipes or drums mentioned as alternative instruments in some regiments. It really *is* a signals function, not the Regimental band.

Not to say that they couldn't also have a band on the establishment - Military bands have a history going back to the Greeks at least. In the British Army, band members were used carry messages or casualties when in the field. It's just not a formal part of the Humakt Thousand regimental structure.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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