Re: Initiates and Common Magic Concentration

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 07:40:29 +0100

>I have a player who has created an Orlanth Initiate. However, he has
>concentrated his common magic by the self rock method. Does he lose
>his affinities? Can he still be an initiate?

"He must give up any specialised magic" He definitely loses affinities. I would personally interpret as meaning losing Initiate status as well, and possibly even the magical elements of Communal Worship.

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala 
Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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