Re: powerful augments

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 18:41:09 +0100

In article <1158563990.450e4896d1ccb_at_...>, Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...> writes
>You know, after many (~80) sessions of HeroQuest with the same
>characters and
>heavy HP distribution, I begin to see a disturbing trend.
>For beginner PC, best ability at 5W, and some others around 20, with a
>good use
>of auto-augments, you can 'aim' for 10w-1w2. All weel and good.
>But, as the characters abilities get better, not only your 'starting'
>gets higher but the augments all your (numerous, high) other abilities
>give you
>get higher also.

It's a little late for you, but one piece of advice is to use house rules to slow down skill increases after 20W. The two approaches I use are to add one to any increase cost per mastery past the first. Another is to demand that skills only get increased if it was seriously challenged. If you PC's can't find anyone to fight of skill near their own, their combat skills aren't going up! This has a secondary benefit of making secondary skills and relationships more tempting to raise.

For all that, after 186 sessions in my game of 5-7 HP given out per session, well, my PCs are very probably the most powerful band in Far Point in many areas, and one is chief of their clan (and had to actively avoid tribal kingship). Their worship on cult holy days can exceed 1W9 so I've been ruling that the compromise is looking a little tattered there.

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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