Re: Tracking Multiple Actions within Extended Contests

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 08:23:16 -0700


>If you're going into an EC, you're
>committing to at least a couple of rounds. Else why bother with the EC? If
>you wanted to resolve the contest in one roll... use the Simple Contest

Spoken like a Narrator. From the player perspective, use an Extended Contest if you want a better chance at winning (since you can use more HP, and since a single bad roll doesn't screw you). Also, use an Extended Contest if you want go shoot for an extreme result like Complete Victory, because you can drive a foe to -31 with a few decent rolls, rather than hoping for a single good roll vs a bad roll.

It's a sad fact, but Simple Contests are not (mechanically) just a shorter form of an Extended Contest.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:

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