Re: Common Magic Religions & Magic Keywords

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 12:42:36 +1200

At 01:04 a.m. 10/06/2007, you wrote:
>During character generation, are common magic religions (Donandar,
>Seven Mothers) counted as a common magic keyword (and thus only get 5
>magics) or a specialized religion keyword? Or either?
>If it is a specialized religion, would the keyword provide all of the
>talents/feats/etc. as per Heroquest (1st paragraph p. 111)

Even if they are not specialized religions, the p111 sentence "Your character receives all keyword abilities if he takes a magical keyword during character creation, but does not automatically gain all of them if he joins a religion during play" still applies.

If you join it in character creation, you get everything.

>Also as per p.111, does a devotee created is character generation
>start with all of the keywords feats?

Devotees are theistic stations and have nothing to do with common religions. A starting worshipper of the Seven Mothers gets _all_ magics regardless of whether they are feats, spells, charms and talents.

--Peter Metcalfe

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