Re: HQ2, cultural key-words, runes.....

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 13:47:26 -0000

> Not demanding this in outrage, just some mental mapping of what
> information will be available when, so I know what to wait for, and
> what to work on making up for myself.

I don't profess to being an expert on this*, but from what I picked up at the "HQ2.0 Magic" seminar that Jeff ran for us at Continuum (that hopefully Darran has podcasted?), it should be possible to continue to use HQ and HW cult write ups with the new rules with a minimal amount of effort.

Existing Cults tend to have 3 affinities, and each affinity has a rune associated with it. These are the Three runes that your HQ2.0 Theist will use for Rune Magic, so if there is no HQ2.0 write up for the cult then you should be able to use these runes and be good to go!

What will apparently change is that there will be a return to the "core" runes of RQ2/RQ3 with some additional runes where culturally significant and/or needed to make the magic system "fit" (The example used was the "Hunting" rune, which otherwise would seem to require bits of the Animal and Death runes, and possibly Movement and Life as well...) This means that some affinities which were given "new" runes may be "reassigned" to more traditional ones when the cult comes to be re-written.

My understanding is that the new presentation of the cults are intended to make it easier for the neophyte to dive in and start playing, without necessarily invalidating everything that has gone before. I'm sure once the rules are out, the HQ/Gloranthan Community will be able to suggest suitable updates for those cults not covered until such time as "official" ones are provided - just as we did previously for Cults that had not been covered officially.

*I'm sure one will be along shortly to correct me if I've got completly the wrong end of the stick...

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