Re: Re: The merits of relative and absoluteresistances (HQ1 and HQ2)

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:39:29 -0400

markmohrfield wrote:

>I wonder how much of that is due to the fact that D&D is often the
only rpg the kids are widely exposed to though.

It's a legitimate question. I do think there will always be a market for games that are full of rules and memorizing lots and lots of detail. It is very appealing to a certain mindset. That this is considered by many the only default version of "tabletop RPG" is another question entirely.

>Looking back to my own early days in the hobby, HQ is probably more
like what I was
>expecting rpgs to be like when I was reading about in John M. Ford's
"On Evenings on the Fields We Know" articles in Asimov's SF Magazine,
>but had not yet actually played. But I suppose that my question can
only be answered by traveling to an alternate reality where D&D doesn't dominate the market to the extent it does in ours.


But then I don't think Rules light vs Rules heavy is actually a way to distinguish "gamist" from "narrativist".

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