The endless debate

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:10:12 -0400

 Hi all.

Not that I don't love debating and talking endlessly around problems (I *am* Canadian, after all) but I think this has really gone quite off the rails from what the original complaint was about.

 From what I understand, further supplements and scenarios will NOT have a number scale attached to them. This will create more work for everyone who is going to play in Glorantha (I am limiting it to Glorantha, as there were never any "generic HQ1 supplements") using HQ1 and only adding in rules clarifications from HQ2. (Or anyone using the Mythic Russia version of HQ1 - I have no idea if Mythic Russia is going to change systems or not.)

That work is going to have to happen, just as for anyone who converts scenarios from one system to another.

Given that this appears to be a fact, and will not be changed, are there solutions from the community level that would be helpful. Someone suggested a wiki o'stats - would anyone find this actually helpful?

Also, given that the system looks like it might be sufficiently different that backwards compatibility is more patch job than seamless, will there be a need to have separate lists for rules questions for the two systems?


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