Re: Vancian Magic

From: Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 21:03:11 +0200

> I realized something is outright broken in my idea as outlined

I spent far more time on this then I should have today, and have a new approach. This time with a flavor much closer to Dying Earth than D&D. (The astute among you may notice certain similarities to another excellent RPG by Mr. Laws...)

Quite untested, but...

Vancian Magic for Heroquest 2.0, take 2

CANTRAPS Cantraps is the first magical ability an aspiring magician learns. The Cantraps keyword governs small blessings and curses, and minor physical effects: souring a gambler's luck, wishing for a favorable wind, ensuring that your hair is not mussed, lighting a candle, etc.

Blessings and curses take ten seconds or so to pronounce, and can be interrupted, which fizzles the effect. No Repeat Attempts rule applies to interrupted attempts as well. Target of the blessing or curse must be visible to the caster, and the effect normally lasts for an hour or so, but spending a Hero Point allows casting enduring cantraps that can last for a specific finite duration (till the end of this deal, till he gets home, till the war ends, etc.) If multiple blessing are in effect at the same time, only the most powerful matters. Multiple curses all take full effect.

Physical effects can be brought about with a quick word and a gesture, and cannot be interrupted due to their quick nature. Target of a physical cantrap must be within arms reach or so from the caster, and the effect lasts for a minute or so at most, but spending a Hero Point allows extending it till for a specific finite duration (till I go back inside, till sun sets, till it stops raining, etc.)

Casting a cantrap is requires a contest vs. appropriate resistance class depending on the effect of the cantrap.

When Cantraps keyword is bought, the character can specify three distinct cantraps underneath it: one blessing, one curse, and one physical effect. Learning new cantraps costs 1 Hero Point each, and doesn't take much in the way of justification.

Improvising cantraps is possible, but is always a stretch.

SPELLCASTING Having mastered cantraps, the adept proceeds to the study of spells. The Spellcasting keyword governs the ability to cast spells of all kinds. Spell are divided into Trivial, Straightforward, and Complex ones.

Casting a spell requires nothing but access to the appropriate spellbook, time to incant the pervulsions and perform the gesticulations, and the foolhardiness to do so. This is resolved as a contest of Spellcasting vs. appropriate resistance class depending on the effect of the spell.

Interrupting or distracting a spellcaster is potentially hazardous for all involved.

When Spellcasting keyword is bought, the character can specify three distinct spells underneath it that he has access to. Additional spells can be bought at character creation for 1 Hero Point each. Afterwards access to each new spell must be gained in game, but after the spells can be cemented for 1 Hero Point each.

Spells cannot be improvised.

ENCOMPASSMENT Once the arcanist has learned the basics of spellcasting, he can engage the mysteries of encompassment. The Encompassment ability enables the student to impress a spell in its entirely into his mind, allowing it to be cast once without recourse to a spellbook - and with much greater alacrity than normally, since most of the spell has effectively already been cast while encompassing it.

A single spell may only be encompassed once: you cannot encompass multiple "copies" of a single spell.

Encompassing a spell takes as long as reading it from a book and requires a number of points of Encompassment ability depending on the category of the spell. Unlike spellcasting, encompassment is a silent activity.

Interrupting a process of encompassment is not dangerous, but wastes the effort spent so far, and is liable to cause headaches in the interuptee.

Casting an encompassed spell works just like casting it from a book, just faster.

TABLES Spell Categories

Trivial		15 min		2		Instant
Straightforward	30 min		4		1 round
Complex		60 min		6		2 rounds

Note: encompassment points as specified allow beginning characters about on par with Turjan in the Dying Earth books. Adjust as appropriate for different power levels.

Effects of Spell Failure

Marginal Defeat		Nothing
Minor Defeat		Annoying
Major Defeat		Serious
Complete Defeat		Catastrophic

Interrupted Casting

Complete Victory	The caster retains control of the spell.
Major Victory		Nothing
Minor Victory		Annoying
Marginal Victory	Annoying
Marginal Defeat		Serious
Minor Defeat		Serious
Major Defeat		Catastrophic
Complete Defeat		Catastrophic

Example Spell Effects and Resistance Classes

Low	    		Hair Dye	Heal Hurt	Light		-
Moderate		Disguise Self	Heal Impairment	Blur		Short Range
High			Alter Self	Heal Injury	Summoning	Short Range Area / Long Range
Very High		Polymorph Self	Heal Dying	Teleport	Long Range Area
Nearly Impossible	Polymorph Other	Raise Dead	Time Travel	Mass Destruction

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