Re: Re: stretches and credibility checks - anyone else having difficulty?

From: Pete Darby <pete.darby_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 16:44:11 +0000

Options, without fudging:
  1. "SO you want to take him down silently, not with a Wilhelm scream? That's a toughie too, you're much more likely to get insta-kill if you creep up and knife..."
  2. As before, "He's down, what are you doing about the body, getting from here to the body silently, etc etc"

Remember, find out what their goal is: presumably it's to kill the guard AND get in undetected. THAT's the goal that's governed or modified by pass/fail cycles.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:14 PM, roadsgoeveron <daveolloyd_at_...> wrote:

> Hi!
> Out of curiosity, what if it is the reverse:
> Player 1: How far is guard?
> GM: What are you thinking?
> Player 1: I want to throw my knife at him.
> GM: (Hmmm, I don't want this to be too easy, so I'll call it a hard
> resistance).
> GM: He's about 20 paces away, a difficult knife throw, but not impossible.
> Player 2: Okay, I pull out my bow, which makes it much easier, right?
> GM: (Darn, time to fudge some dice rolls again . . .).
> Thanks,
> David.

Pete Darby

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