Re: Inversed Hero Points

From: Kevin McDonald <kpmcdona_at_...>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 14:29:25 -0400

True, HP in the inverse scheme are used more like the "bennies" in Savage Worlds where you use'em or loose'em and they reset at the start of every night. Of course bennies in SW are decoupled from experience, so it isn't an apples to apples comparison.

As for the secondary abilities thing, if you don't actually use an ability in play then is it really that important to the character? I know that many folks like to have oddball secondary abilities that seldom if ever get used in play, but my reading of the rules implies that this is not the default mode in HQ2. Abilities are the things a character uses to solve problems, and if they aren't used then why are they on the character sheet at all? If just for color, a low score will do just fine.

The difficulty set by the Narrator is a relative thing anyway. IMG I have had players use "Love Wife 14" (for example) to get an augment and I set the resistance to very low because their wife was in direct peril. If it makes story sense for them to win but is still worth a roll, then I set the resistance accordingly. The book (IIRC) even points out that this undermines the entire notion of character advancement, but who doesn't love raising abilities? <shrug> It's a compromise. I don't remember anyone in my Classic Traveller games complaining about the lack of advancement rules, but maybe I am growing senile in my old age. ;)

The heroic characters in Glorantha stories didn't practice their way to glory, they accumulated kool powrz through heroquesting, the accumulation of exotic magical artifacts (usually both), and gathering legions of followers. That sounds more interesting to me than the gradual accumulation of ability points. YGWV.

-Kevin McD

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Douglas Seay <seay_at_...> wrote:

> Your inverted system ends up spending all HPs at the end of a session.

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