Re: DnD4e to HQ2 (was Greetings)

From: Jeff <richaje_at_...>
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2011 08:20:32 -0000

> But the simulationist side of me did enjoy trying to puzzle out mastery
> ratings for various creatures, and trying at least in my own head to create
> a "scale" for Glorantha.

You can still do that with HQ2 (although it is unnecessary) - but such scales detail *your* Glorantha and are not necessarily portable to other games (which is frankly the way it ought to be).

Pete Nash and I have discussed this issue quite a bit for the forthcoming "Glorantha Bestiary" and ultimately we'd rather provide basic information on creatures such as - how big is it? How much does it weigh? How does it defend itself? How does it eat? And so on. Such information is more broadly useful than known a great troll tends to be SIZ 4D6+12 (what on earth is a point of SIZ?) or that a Jolanti has a Strong of 15W (compared to what? And what on earth does that mean?).

Then again, as I kid I used to collect Safari Animal Wildlife Cards and find they gave more useful information on creatures than any RPG supplement ever has.


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