Re: Animists - Personal Traditions

From: Wesley Quadros <wquadros_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 16:04:56 -0800

> From: Graham Robinson <gjr_at_...>
> Subject: Re: Re: animists
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Folker Naumann wrote:
> > I think there is another option:
> > d) the shaman has one tradition knowledge per organised tradition and the
> > loose spirits are added to his primary
> > tradition, cause that's the one he grew up with
> >
> > IMO the personal tradtion is not a new ability, it's more like your primary
> > tradition becomes more personal. So there is no meta-skill and you can
> > handle every formerly loose spirit with your [primary tradition] knowledge.
> >
> I'm pretty sure this is how the rules are supposed to work. The problem is
> that this means that a newly discovered spirit is 'dealt with' at the same
> level as a primary tradition one, for very little HP expenditure. This
> gives shaman exposed to exotic spirits a large edge over their more
> traditional fellows.

I think that Folker had it there. The first time you meet a new spirit that is outside your tradition you are going to suffer some nasty penalties in dealing with it (up to -20 if you are in a hostile part of the spirit realm). The next time you deal with that kind of spirit (assuming you surived the first meeting and added it to your personal tradition) you know that spirit's tricks and what it takes to defeat it. I don't have any problem with the 1-2 HP to add it to your tradition and then you can beat on it at full strength (you are still going to suffer the foreign realm penalties).


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