Re: Undead Oaks (was : Two Random Questions)

From: JEFFREY KYER <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 20:00:59 -0000

The annoying thing about this is that the Black Oaks are a rather large part of my HW game. The villians of the piece (sort of like the Poss in the Lismelder campaigns)  

> Rush, god of prog rock
> (Canadian Pantheon, Northern America)
> Affinities:
> Guitar (Angular Distractions, Power Chord Smash, Mesmeric Noodling)
> Bass (Artsy Noodling; Wank Like a Guitarist; Warble Shriekingly)
> Drums (Double Bass Stomp, Portentous Cymbal Crash, Thunderous Drum
> Roll)
> Secret: Invoke Ayn Rand Allegorically


Now you just hurt my brain with that. I think you forgot the vocals though. BUt rather than start channeling Matt Howarth, I think I'll just go away and listen to 2112 instead.


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