Re: How do edges and handicaps work?

From: tim_at_...
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:02:20 -0000

>>> For example, I have an edge of 3 and I bid 3 when acting. My
>>> opponent has an edge of 2 for a net edge of 1 in my favour. If I
>>> win the exchange, my opponent loses 4 AP (or 8 or 12 depending on
>>> the multiplier).

This bit is fairly uncontentious!

>>> If I lose the exchange, I lose 2 APs (or 4 or 6
>> I disagree with the last point. If I bid 3 AP, and lose, I lose 3
>> AP (or 6 or 9). No edges are taken into consideration at all when
>> the bidder loses.
>> Opinions from the floor?

> I agree with Wulf on this.

And me. I don't think you can lose more than (a multiple) of your bid.

Also look at the reverse situation, you have an edge of 2 and your opponent has an edge of 3, giving you a net handicap of 1. If you bid 3 and win your opponent loses 2 (or 4 or 6) AP's, if you lose, you lose 3 (or 6 or 9), not 4 (8, 12). Edges and Handicaps are, IMO and IMG only applied when the bidder wins.

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