Re: Re: How do edges and handicaps work?

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 13:34:48 -0800

> Psuedocode follows,
> This ignores Transfers.
> ie. for fumbles.
> It works for me everywhere else though,
> maybe clarify with specific transfer rules

Well, I wasn't writing the whole extended contest system in psuedocode, just the bit about edges.

> If (Defender must lose AP) then
> DAPLoss = (Bid + (OE - DE) ) * RX
> If (transfer) then
> AAPGain = DAPLoss

Ah, but you can only gain as many AP as the Defenders has positive, so then you need to check DAPLoss against DCAP (Defender's current AP) to see what AAPGain is.

If DAPLoss >= DCAP then
  AAPGain = DCAP
  AAPGain = DAPLoss


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