On the subject of edges...

From: Markus Battarbee <battery_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:10:09 +0200

To bring a new perspective to the conversation about edges, I was concidering the point at which one applies the success multiplier. If edges result in a large "handicap" for the attacker (eg stone skin creature and bare fists) the attacker must bid incredibly high, and the level of success will have a minimal result. On the other hand, with a high success and lots of edge, the attacker gets increased usability of his/her edges.

Since edges are already quite cheap compared to bonus-to-TN augmentation, I was considering multiplying the bid with the success multiplier first, and applyin the edge(s) on top of that. This'd emphasize skills, not equipment (bare-fisted fighting! Yea!) and would make TN-bonuses a slightly more viable option.

Any comments?


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