embarrassingly basic bump question

From: Mike Dawson <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 23:01:53 -0000

Hi all.

I don't think questions get more basic than this one, but it has been bothering me for a while, and there's no answer I found in the rules or errata.

Imagine a contest (any kind) where Dushi has a Boast 17 and Helatr has Boast 17 too. Dushi succeeds with a 2 and Helatr fails with a 18.

Now, this doesn't sit well with Helatr's player, and he spends a Hero point to bump it to a success.

So now we've got 2 successes, but Helatr still rolled higher than Dushi, and by the rules, Dushi still wins.

Is that how it's supposed to work?

If Helatr's boast now wins, then by how much does it win? Marginal? Minor?

Apologies if this got covered 2000 messages ago, but I couldn't imagine how to do a meaningful search on this topic.


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