Re: Broad Abilities

From: David Cake <dave_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 21:30:06 +0800

>David Cake:
>> I see broad abilities as a complex non-solution to a simple
>> non-problem.
>I know I said I'd shut up on this topic, but I must permit myself
>one more word (and a great deal of punctuation):

        Yes - it opens up a large number of issues. Suddenly, we have the issue of defining what should be broad, and what narrow, on somewhat arbitrary grounds (ie Hunting is apparently broad only because there are Hunters in the game who might feel disadantaged), changing basic mechanics, introducing a whole slew of game balance questions, and we also add in the complication of introducing major game mechanic changes between editions. The rules are not hard to understand, but do raise a great number of problems. Its not the rules that are complex, but the change they introduce.

	All for a problem that simply isn't a problem.

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