Re: Re: Big spirit dudes

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 19:51:52 +1200

Timothy Byrd:

>Me> > Which would you rather do? Talk to a spirit
> > > and convince it to enter your fetish or fight it?

>JL> Depends which character I'm playing ...

>In terms of game mechanincs, it's all the same, except what you happen
>to call the ability you use to subdue the thing. From a minmax point of
>view, fighting is better. You *know* there are some spirits that you
>are going to need to fight. So why dilute by developing any skills
>other than spirit pounding?

The shaman also *knows* that there are some spirits (especially great big ones) that he needs to talk to, to bribe, to flatter and to cajole. Hence if he puts his all into Thump Spirit into Fetish, then he's going to be at a disadvantage when dealing with the likes of Oakfed.

--Peter Metcalfe

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