Heroic origins (was Well-traveled heortlings)

From: hairyorlanthi <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 18:30:31 -0000

And this all begs the issue that these characters are supposed to be HEROES, and heroes have weird and unique aspects to their background.

When my players come up with a "normal" character for their culture, I ask them to think about what makes the character different, unique, and, well, heroic. The answers I've gotten back have been varied and added great depth and color to the game, for example:

cursed with a seer's eye
cousin to Harvar Ironfist and convert to Elmal contacts among all the Big Rubble power groups learned forbidden knowledge in the reserve section of the Boldhome knowledge temple born in Sartar's temple the night Boldhome fell discovered his Internal Immutability (that's a dwarf)

Who wouldn't let someone take "born of a virgin" in his 100 words? Why not?


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