Mastery inflation

From: Richard, Jeff <jeff.richard_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 16:43:48 -0800

David Dunham and I were talking about this last night at the Seattle Farmers' Game, and I had resolved to write something to the digest about it. Lo and behold, Roderick beat me to the punch:

>No, you don't need to be 10w3 to be a clan champion. I was going off Greg's
>notes and neither of us caught the "w3" in the Clan Champion. A *Tribal*
>champion should usually be in the highw2 range.
>To put this in perspective of Dragon Pass (The board game)
>No Masteries-low 1mastery: Rank & file of a "basic unit" (those 3-3-3 Foot
>Militia's frex)
>Mid 1mastery- low 2mastery: The leader of a Basic Unit, or a trooper in an
>elite unit.
>High 2mastery: Lowliest raw recruit in a (Super)Hero counter, Leader in an
>elite unit.
>Low 3mastery: Have a counter named after you (Baron Sanuel)
>Mid-high 3mastery: Hero counter with (4!) CF
>4mastery: Superhero counter with (20!!) CF
>Of course, the counters also include ~1,000 beings for a basic counter, and
>~50-100 for a Hero/Superhero counter. So having Close Combat 19w4 but no
>followers/warband doesn't even get you on the board.

I think this is pretty spot on. Last night, my intrepid adventurers dispatched the leader of an Elder Wilds Zorak Zorani "Basic Unit" - she had skills in the high 1mastery, or low 2mastery when augmented. Seemed about right to me in terms of skill level.

I found my notes from the First Age game that we playtested HWs on and Rastalulf, Erilindia and Lokamayadon were all mid-high 3mastery characters. I think the Dara Happan Emperor was mid-high 3 mastery as well.

The bigger problem for me is on the sample resistance numbers given in HW. I know I'm a big fan of "bitterly cold Dragon Pass winters" (although I did just run my adventurers trekking across the Rockwoods in winter - boy that was unpleasant), but 5M4?


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