Re: Re: Winter (was Campaign styles; inflation)

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:26:02 -0600

At 9:17 AM -0800 3/6/02, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:
>Personal Opinion only:
>IMG, *I* would allow a Valinding to "reduce" the effects of purely mundane
>winter weather from any rating to 14 (for himself only, non-transferable)
>once he knows the Valinding secret of "Survive Winter". However, Winter
>(Dark Season) in Sartar isn't *just* a case of mundane winds & snow, it
>includes actively *magical* winds and storms.
>Say Veoslin Valinding goes out in the teeth of The Howler (TR 123) who has a
>"Bitterly Cold Wind 10w4" ability. He can add his "Survive Winter" ability
>to his Toughness or an affinity (say, North Wind, which allows him the feat
>"Command North Wind Umbroli") (See the Secret description, ST 234), but he
>doesn't "reduce" the Howler's ability. He still has to face "Bitterly Cold
>Wind 10w4".

        Hmmm. Then one way around the whole question of why granny doesn't freeze to death on the way to the outhouse might be that the wyter (or clan magic, deals with Umbroli, etc) gives some big "Survive Winter" boost for clan members going about their regular business on the tula (or on the stead, if you feel like cabin fever). So getting by in the DP winter isn't so bad (assuming you bundle up, stay out for reasonable periods of time, say your prayers, don't indulge in secret murder or other acts designed to summon the wrath of the gods down on you, etc), but travelling is a real bear -- you'd have to command, cow, or bargain with every Umbroli between your home and your destination while struggling with "natural" problems like snow and frostbite. No wonder the weaponthanes in KoDP are dubious about raiding in winter....

Peter Larsen

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