Re: SV: Hero wars & gloranthna art

From: moonbroth <Nick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:21:25 -0000

Jane wrote:

> Hang on: Rough Guide? Didn't that have a detailed map of Boldhome?
> Contours and all?

Yep. (FWIW, there's another, very similar version in an old copy of the French "Tatou" magazine. Both based on Greg Stafford's sketches).

> Before I start offering to scan/photocopy it, what's the copyright
> status? Owned by someone on this list is my guess :)

Drawn by Walter Moore, who is an *extremely* generous fellow. I dunno what the legalese position would be, and doubt anyone is particularly bothered.

FYI, Walter's maps of Sartarite tribal lands are available at

Cheers, Nick

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