Re: More escaping from Hell

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:17:28 +1000

> << here are bound to be little known/forgotten sub-cults of Elmal. I
> seem to recall when Orlanth returns to the world he throws a torch to
> Elmal. Perhaps that torch carries a piece of Elmal in it, somehow? >>
> Lovely suggestion, I like this one.

I like it a lot as well. There seems to be a general principle hidden in here. Heortling gods seem to fall into three main categories:

Those who died or went to sleep in the Greater Darkness, and ended up in hell. (Ernalda et al...)

Those who followed Orlanth on the Lightbringers Quest - the seven and various hangers on - who ended up in hell. (You can name them, right?)

Those who stayed among the survivors to help the living, but were called to hell for the Great Compromise. (Vinga et al.)

Everyone gits to hell, however briefly. Some seem to fall - in variant myths emphasising variant truths - in several or even all three categories. Humakt created the Underworld, in one sense he *is* the Underworld, he is also the sword that accompanied Orlanth on the LBQ, he also is the surface god that ordered the living and the dead. Orlanth went on the LBQ, but was also killed by Humakt.

Now Vinga, Urox and Elmal stayed on the surface to nurture and defend the living. Vinga finally slept for a moment to accompany Ernalda into hell. Urox died to chase Wakboth into hell.

We don't know about Elmal, but he too must have briefly descended to hell, for he too is part of the Great Compromise. Is he the torch that lit the weaving of the web? Is this why he descends each evening? Being in two places at once isn't a problem, mythologically.

Getting all Digesty here, but it is a campaign issue...


nysalor_at_...                           John Hughes

A bearded raven wings straight and low, close to the ground, heading towards the setting sun. Something wet glistens in its beak. Death is close!

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