Re: Ratuki

From: Nils Weinander <nils_w_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 04:26:47 -0700 (PDT)

I was about to write that the Ratuki don't feel like hsunchen, but this pretty much settles it.

>> were "functionally hsunchen", at least to a first approximation,
>> though not of hsunchen historical origins?
> A umber of older peoles were claled hsunchen who were not really
> hsunchen.
> The troll bug-transoformers,for instance.
>> We know there are tribes who have stopped being hsunchen,
>> but is there any precedence for a people who are not
>> descended from the original fiwan _becoming_ hsunchen?
> No, you must be one of them to become one.
> GL called everyone who could turn into an animal a hsuhchen. They
> wrong.

That would make the Ratuki non-hsunchen which the god learners would have called hsunchen. Which is just fine by me.

Nils Weinander

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