Re: Newbie Intro

From: moonbroth <Nick_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:22:29 -0000

Phil writes:

> I have no idea how to force enough information into my players
> (given that getting any of them to read more than a single page,
> ever, is almost impossible) to get *them* to create characters

You could use pregenerated characters for your first session(s). There's a particularly tasty set (in PDF format with illos) at:

> I'm also completely lost as to where to start, adventuring-wise,
> what sort of thing to run and how to run it

"Barbarian Adventures" is an introductory campaign pack for Heortling Sartarite Orlanthi characters. It includes fully worked up scenarios. More scenarios are available online (free!) at:

The Hero Wars books you have bought to date are kinda "background"- ish -- the "Sartar Rising" line of scenario and campaign books just starting out ("Barbarian Adventures" is already in the shops; "Orlanth is Dead" was at the printers a week ago); you're in the position of a RQ player with the "Cults" books but not Apple Lane / Snakepipe Hollow / Borderlands, or a D&D player with a selection of character class tomes but none of the dungeon modules.

Anyway, hope this helps -- get back to us if you have more issues, problems, concerns etc.

Cheers, Nick

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