Re: Kinstrife

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:43:31 +0100 (BST)

John Hughes wrote:

>Full exiles however, are beyond kin, beyond law,
beyond Orlanth. They may be killed with impunity. No kinstrife.

Careful. In the section on Outlawry and bootless crimes TR makes the point that 'two wrongs don't make a right'. It is still kinstrife to kill the bootless. Remember Orlanth does not kill Vadrus. But to be kinless, is, in this society as good as a sentence of death, unless you join an outlaw band or similar.

By the way public thanks for all the Questlines material. We journeyed out of Wintertop for this one - and your material gave me a great setting withoug a lot of hard work. I owe you a beer at convulsions.

I agree with Benedict here - Humakti get a role here - because they can 'deal' with the issue. But like any 'ploiceman' they may not be much liked for it.

But Greg's right it has been a fun story, and we'll see what comes from the act in the future.

Incidentally the final confrontation was fougt as aChampions then Warrior's battle. We had heroes with community support with abilities in the W3 range shining in their hero light, characters fighting each other to a standstill (fumble vs. failure), a charcter allowing himself to be possessed by violence spirit to stand in the line of battle, characters using Hate XXXX as an augment - HW coped and really shone. Much fun.

Ian Cooper
0208-672-0717(H)07970-411892 (M)0207-337-6217 (W)

"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be." Tori Amos

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