Re: Tentacles & concerns

From: moonbroth <Nick_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:13:04 -0000

Graham writes:

> To my mind, the better question is whether the protest is
> legitimate any more - a decade after the decision we are
> protesting.

That's not how I would see it at all. I'd just ask: is burning copies of "Daughters of Darkness" and "Eldarad" still *fun*?

It seems self-evident to me that most people attending and organising Gloranthan conventions think it is, and this is why we still do it.

I've *never* thought we were "protesting a decision" -- I thought we were burning utterly crap products, of which many thousands of copies were printed, at the rate of one or two copies per year.

I admire the principled stand taken by Nils W, Stefan D, David B and others, but will nevertheless continue to flick my lighter and hand out the flaming pages. After all, we're getting far more joy out of DoD/Eld. this way than we'd *ever* have got from using them as the publishers and authors intended.

Cheers, Nick

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