Re : [long] humakti again

From: Gregory Privat <prax_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 04:56:24 +0200

Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...> wrote :

Nice story, but some of the cultural stuff seemed wrong to me. An orlanthi father is the one to laugh, weep and rage against the inevidable. The mother will be more restrained in showing emotions. Ernaldan women are rational and measured. If the child has been claimed by death, then no amount of crying will help.

Me :

I ve dicided to make those "wrong" things. In fact, there s some more "wrong" things u didn t seen, or perhaps you didn t spoke about because u do not wanted to attack my humble little story too much. One of those being fact that noone speak about this in the story, the litlle girl ear no explications : it s said in TR that everyone speak about everything (or close to) in public, often you find sentences like there s nothing like privacy in orlanthi society and the like (children seeing corpse while they re prepared and the like)... all of those "wrong" things were here to add to the "dramatic" of the event for the (or at less THIS) familly : their son not only leave the house, he do not (just) die, he cut the bounds and links with the familly and this is the more terrible thing that can happen with kinstrife... Of course, this is this particular family reaction, perhaps that a father living close to delecti's swamp would have been proud (but still confused/sad) of his son joining those guys that die fighting for the comunity safety (point of vue of some farmers). On another side, he come back later, just to show that this is not a death, but something different... i miss the words here to explain my feeling. Anyway, i think i m going to work a little more on that story and to look for some help to put it in righht english.

Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...> wrote :

The speaker in the story leaves out a lot of ceremony, but since the speaker is not a Humakti, he propably doesn't even know much about Severing and Resheating.

Me :

he s a she, but that s my fault if it do not look that in story. A very little she, in fact, under age of initiation, which is why she do not understood everything or missed what would be "relevant" to an adult. There s probably some of your point of vue, and to be honest, the main reason for the no details about the initiation and other ceremony is i do not have my books with me and do not wanted to make too much error ;-)

Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...> wrote :

As I said, nice.

Me :

Thanks for your comments :-)

Gregory Privat


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