Llankor Mhy and the Cage

From: Pete McAveney <mcaveney_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:04:28 GMT

The Mostali side of the story:

Maintenance Log for Unit 118NK0RMH, a class Y processing node

This node performs preventive maintenance upon the Machine by absorbing leaks of essence class Y. It then classifies, separates, and recycles those leaks, restoring them to their proper places in the Machine. It has been malfunctioning.  The scavenging controller has allowed the unit too much latitude, resulting in inappropriate absorption of raw materials not designated for recycling.

Manufacturing defects in the node are not possible; it is a first generation component, designed and assembled by Mostal. A defect in its programming must have been introduced through sabotage by an external agent. The defect is most likely viral in nature, creating further defects in programming, and is probably associated with the disorder rune. Defects of this nature have been classified under the moniker “Curiosity.” The defect caused the intake of contaminated materials, which altered its programming to seek out more contaminated materials.  The alterations include the original defect itself.

Repair on the unit was attempted. First a team of Gold and Silver mostali located the defective unit and specified the diagnostic procedure. This was repeated several times due to the ambulatory nature of the processor. That nature and its wide scope of operations necessitated the use of a special tool for the containment and isolation phase of the repair effort. A Complete Altitude-and-Girth Encincture (CAGE) was carefully placed around the node by the supporting B38 squad prior to the diagnostic effort. Unfortunately this tool suffered a failure due to manufacturing defect as detailed below.

Elemental forces associated with disorder acted in resistance to the diagnostic effort and most of the unit was assigned to neutralization and cleanup. Unfortunately presence of these forces triggered another change in the unit’s programming.  It provided a set of new instructions to squad B38. Since the unit’s instructions did not include a handler for the type of interrupt provided by the defective unit, the squad experienced an error condition and halted to await diagnosis and repair. This halt affected the latch of the CAGE unit, resulting in a breach of containment. All progress towards the repair was lost.

The viral nature of the defect creates further obstacles to repair. Any and all units in contact with the defective node may have been contaminated by “Curiosity” and must be retrained at a minimum. Optimal repair requires removal and recycling of the affected components. Fortunately squad B38 suffered severe disorder at the hands of the elemental forces leading to their disassembly. Great gains in efficiency have thus been realized by proceeding directly to the recycling phase! However complete repair requires removal and recycling of the following additional components:

  1. The gold and silver mostali involved in specification and planning, including the unit composing this review.
  2. All tools, programming, instructions, and other written material related to the repair, including this document.

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