Whose scenario: discoveries

From: Neil Smith <neil_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 09:37:07 +0100

During the "Whose Scenario Is It Anyway" session at Convulsion (which was, of course, entirely serious. Honest), we discovered many new things about Glorantha (and Bill, the travelling anvil salesman). In particular, we discovered some new hero cults. I present them here for your edification.

Ulric the Slider, a Hero of Vanganth the Flyer

When the-thing-that-is-not-a-bear was stealing cows from his village, Ulric used his powers from Vanganth to lure it away from the village and towards Holy Leap Gorge. Unfortunately, as he got close to the gorge, his breath gave out an Ulric fell to the ground. But his faith in Vanganth was strong, and Ulric found another way. He slid down the muddy path to the gorge and used his speed to fly across the gap. Well, almost.

Affinity: Slide (Make mud slippery, Bounce off tree root, Whoop loudly, Cling to cliff by fingertips)

Secret: Fly without leaving the ground.

Bjorn the Herald, a Hero of Urox the Berserker

After defeating the-thing-that-is-not-a-bear, the victorious villagers went to see the King to tell of the great monster they had defeated. However, the journey took a little longer than expected because the horse belonging to the King's bear hunter had been killed and he had to use an ox to pull his cart instead. Bjorn soon got bored with the slow pace and set of ahead to find the next tavern. When he arrived there, he manage to calm down the customers and tell the story of the-thing-that-is-not-a-bear. The customers were impressed, not only by the story, but by how tough the other villagers must be that they sent an Uroxi to be their herald.

Affinity: Herald (Mention sponsor, Spot anvil seller, Weep tears of joy, Apologize to wench)

Thankfully, the other subcult of Urox we heard of, Urox the Jester ("See those horns on his helmet? They've got bells on the ends!"), was not explored. And the less said the better about the new Vingan feat of 'Run over gerbils.'

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