Re: Whose scenario: discoveries

From: Mike Gibb <m.gibb_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:52:30 +0100

Cool! I have my own Hero Cult!! Thanks for the reminder Neil, brought a smile to my face during an otherwise tedious return to work.

Did anyone else "discover" depths of Glorantha they might like to share. I promised Ken Rolston ("Dad") a write-up of our trollball team, including the team song (which I'm sure David Hall hoped never to hear again). I'll post it here when done - unless David gets to me first....


(Altogether now:
M: is for the many gifts that made me,
U: the uzko that I am today......)

Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 09:37:07 +0100
   From: Neil Smith <neil_at_...>
Subject: Whose scenario: discoveries

During the "Whose Scenario Is It Anyway" session at Convulsion (which was, of
course, entirely serious. Honest), we discovered many new things about Glorantha (and Bill, the travelling anvil salesman). In particular, we discovered some new hero cults. I present them here for your edification.

Ulric the Slider, a Hero of Vanganth the Flyer

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