Re: just found new website.

From: Jeremy Baker <jeremybaker_at_...>
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 17:17:39 +1200

on 4/8/02 5:08 PM, Andrew Solovay at asolovay_at_... eloquently stated:
>> I don't suppose there's anything we can do about these people is
>> there?

> I believe Cragspider knows a heroquest to cut them off from the Web. But
> that's rather a drastic step...

It is. It involves shifting the entire list to a new track, as it were. And finding a new home. Probably something of the order of the sun-stop.

Life is full of minor irritations - and drastic world changing solutions aren't necessarily going to resolve them.

Cheerful thoughts.


Eala earendel, engla beorhtast,
ofer middangeard monnum sended

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