Re: Re: Ritual Negotiation question

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 12:04:13 +1000


> What form of yearly obligation would there be? John mentioned the
> Beast Circle, but that only covers deals with the animal tribes. What
> sort of things would other land spirits require?

IMG, a carving to mark the agreement, mention in communal rites, perhaps a yearly procession in their honour, being polite and saying thanks whenever in the immediate vicinity, singing a song in their honour, little gifts of carved dolls, flowers, food or drink (being sensitive to the Power concerned of course). In short, flatter their egos and make them feel appreciated.

Bigger Powers might demand an annual sacrifice or ceremony, and impose stricter 'conditions of use' just to remind you of their clout. In extreme cases they might ask for a 'priestess' - or similar - which might just mean someone to sing to them regularly. Powers have personalities and foibles just like the rest of us: most are happy for recognition and for respect given to the area under their supervision. Some of course are darker, wilder, and their placation can be an ongoing headache for the clan.



nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

"Hail to thee earth, mother of men, Be thou fruitful in Gods embrace, filled with food for the use of men."

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