Re: Uroxi sense Chaos-tainted/marked ?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 23:30:41 -0700

At 02:05 PM 8/27/2002 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 8/27/02 1:48:45 PM, Greg_at_... writes:
><< Please do not draw conclusions about Glorantha from the game system. >>
>I didn't draw any conclusions at all about Glorantha,

Uh, sorry then. It just sounds like a statement that begins with "in the old RQ days," and then cites fubles based on the number of people that would on the average fumble, sounds like drawing conclusions to me. Sorry.

>but, Greg, as long as
>you are "here," what about the question? I.e., when "sense chaos" "fails,"
>"fumbles," or whatever, does the worshipper think something is chaotic even
>when it isn't? Given that we are talking Bulls here, not scholars, what
>happens next? Or doesn't it fail, ever?

Of course it can fail. If you have to roll a die then it means there is a chance of failure.

Answer one: what happens is whatever your game needs.  

Failure might mean
1. it doesn't sense chaos if it's there, or 2. it does sense it but can't tell where it is:

Narrator: "Your wrists hurt and you start to feel like cryign like a baby because you are sensing chaos, but not enough to make you howl with pain or weep. Wha will you do?"

Fumble? Easy.
Narrator: You do not sense any chaos.
"Your wrists are aching like crazy so you can hardly hold your sword, you are blubbering like a baby and you see that ummm... (roll die) those two are actually broos in disguise."

And I'd use either of those for any fumble, whether chaos was present or not.

Greg Stafford, greg_at_...
Issaries, Inc. 900 Murmansk St., Suite 5; Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: (510) 452 1648 Fax: (510) 302 0385 Publisher of Hero Wars, Roleplaying in Glorantha See our site at: <>

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