New poll for HeroWars

Date: 28 Aug 2002 12:37:58 -0000

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the HeroWars group:

When a new player gets in or out an
ongoing campaign, how do you advice to
introduce/dispose of his hero?

  o The hero and the player are one and the same: when one arrives, the other appear, when one goes, the other dies (or becomes an NPC)   o Depends on the player (his choice)
  o Depends on the other players (their choice)   o Depends on the player's experience at RPGs and Glorantha   o Story started before and continues after: players comes and go. Their heroes are given to them and survive their departure.   o Depends on the mood of the moment (Narratoris Imperium)   o None of the above
  o All of the above
  o Boh? I don't care.

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