Re: Uroxi sense Chaos-tainted/marked ?

From: Peter Larsen <peterl_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 12:13:43 -0500

At 4:47 PM +0000 8/29/02, simon_hibbs2 wrote:
>Peter Larsen :
>>I'll agree here, but assuming the Char-Un do rape on a
>>regular basis, there has to be some reason why they are not all
>>by now.
>Probably they don't all rape regularly. They don't flinch from it when
>they get the chance, but I doubt it's a day-in, day-out chore for
>the average Char-Un warrior. I realy don't think social acceptance by
>other Char-Un has much to do with it.

        Not day-in and day-out, but a regular part of the process of beating the crap out of Everybody Else, which certainly seems to be the defining Char-Un pass time (right after riding and slightly before pony breeding).

> >What's the solution? Get the chief to ritually purify himself in
>>some way, I suppose, or channel that Hate through a subcult whose
>>hero shows how to Hate the Lunars without becoming a monster.
>And the way is - treat them like human beings*. I don't see how an
>'Orlanth Rex Seal Of Approval' is going to change any act from
>being moraly corrupt to being Okay. Even the gods can be corrupted.

        Except "treating your enemy like human beings" is not a very Heortling attitude. Hate Lunar is a pretty standard virtue/flaw for Sartari, so it can't be a priori bad. If it's your defining trait, then you may have a problem, because you are not so much a Heortling as a Lunar Hater who happens to live in Sartar.

        What I meant by the cult business is not that some cults give you leave to commit atrocities, but some cults might teach the initiate to channel their Hate Lunar into Heortling-Approved directions, avoiding losing one's identity and perspective in the overwhelming emotion. Sort of the way that Humakti channel the attraction to death, Uroxi channel Hate Chaos, etc

>* Of course, I could be a sneaky Lunar agent, preaching universal
>tolerance and mutual understanding for subversive long-term
>goals. You decide.

        Hmmm, maybe Mr. Hibbs needs to spend some time in the godar's tent (Urox or Maran, you pick), being tested for Lunar Sympathies....

Peter Larsen

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