Re: Re: One more chaotic question

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 21:50:42 +1200

Andy Howard:

>A character whose sect allows tapping in some form, such as the
>Secret Register of Boristi, wouldn't necessarily suffer the
>consequences of this personally or directly. However, his order,
>condemned by the morality of the world (ie: mine, as narrator), would
>be corrupted by chaos.

The Borists are not corrupted by Chaos. They know that Chaos taints the whole Cosmos and prevents people from knowing Solace. To counteract this evil fate, they have created a shriving spell based on the old tap magics to suck the taint out of a person.

This taint is then manifested outside the Borist's body, creating a chaotic abomination. Because the Borists are no longer tainted by chaos and because Law is superior to Chaos, they are able to control these chaotic creatures.

But because they order chaotic monsters around, everybody else thinks the Borists are chaotic.

--Peter Metcalfe

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