RE: Laws of Physics

From: Matthew <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 04:42:35 +0100


In regard to the use of an Earthly character in a Gloranthan setting....

It could work! Just look at Farscape? Ok, not fantasy but the outsider perspective encountering and learning about the new world they're in could lead both narrator and players through quite engrossing stories.

As far as physics goes... as long as it's plot driven....?

But I agree... physics debate is not what story telling games are all about.

Just another POV.


original post:

Subject: Laws of Physics

About this interesting thread:

In my campaign one of the heroes comes directly from Earth and he is an engineer (the player too).

Don't explain players Gloranthan Physics: have them play Gloranthan physics by their POV.

I don't recommend this option to a novice narrator, anyway: high risk of spoiling/debating and (Argh, spit, foul) SIMULATIONISM!


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